Mind you, traveling from Duluth to Minneapolis there were fields of gold, and beautiful fall colors on quite a few trees. I can only presume that the winter came quick and hard last fall and froze everything as it stood. No such freezing when it comes to Minnesota drivers - they quite happily cruise past you at 90miles an hour, talking on their phones and some drivers even texting. Who do they think they are - Jacques Villeneuve? ;) Anyway, apparently it's legal here. But then its also legal for a child aged 14 to own a shotgun in Minnesota...
So, once we were on our way and in our groove on the road (we were barely past the hotel we had just checked out of actually, if truth be told) the 5 unsealed mouths invariably opened, squawking like hungry little sparrows "Feed me, feed me, feed me, feed me!". So we stopped at Taco Bell.
You know, it's quite amazing the number of comments we get when we are out with the kids, "Wow are they all yours?" "What a lovely family!" "So nice to see such a grand family all together". People seem to genuinely enjoy seeing a large family out and about - that is until it comes to seating at restaurants! We first noticed this at Mall of America a few years ago. The food court was packed and tables were at a premium but with some awareness, bigger tables could have been freed by some moving off tables for 4 with their family of one! There was no, "Here have a seat" or "Oh no, you take that large table for your large family" It was a dog eat dog world and invariably smaller families are always quicker than our super-sized family. In a race to the tables with chairs and strollers and kids flung in their wake, the smaller families always won.
Well, remembering that - we got into Taco Bell and as soon as we spied a table big enough I had the kids do whatever it took to hold the table! This was the result.
It's good to note that it was cheaper to feed them at Taco Bell than it had been at McDonald's or the "$5.50 for 3 chicken strips" A&W from yesterday!! But then kids we found out aren't really fans of beans or spicy quesadilla's!
Anyway, once fed enough that they stopped squawking, we got back on our way. They wanted to have movies put on in the car but then they couldn't put up with each other once the movies were on - "I can't hear the movie", "I don't want to watch this movie" "Shhhh" "Why are they talking" "Stop her singing". Ugh! Give me a 148-room hotel to run any day! And no matter how you explain being nice to each other and how the sacrifice of this couple of hours stuffed in a van is worth the days of fun they get in Florida, they still wouldn't listen!
Once we got to the TownePlace Suites in Eagan by the airport (which I have to add have great customer service from Belinda and Alex) we thought we were settled for the night.
Oh no!
That's when the youngest two turned into gremlins. Hide and Seek had to include banging doors and cupboards, then the game turned into soccer with a pair of socks, then wrestling. What's wrong with that you say? Nothing except whenever Marj or I politely asked them to calm down or stop banging the walls, or "Olivia put the TV down" etc etc they wouldn't listen. I've become a big fan of the repeat their name until they notice you have turned into a broken automaton. It's less stressful and less loud and it seems to shock their young sensibilities - "Did Dad really immaturely just call my name over and over without stopping?" they wonder.
Anyway, whatever it is, it usually gets their attention. So I tried it a few times tonight.
"josh. josh, josh. josh. josh." Still not answering. "Josh.Josh. Josh......JOSH.....JOSH@!!!!!"
Olivia. Olivia. OLIVIA@#!!!!! Hello!!!!! Earth to children!
They just don't stop once they get going. This is what I had to do today just to get Josh to stop moving for 5 minutes! Hands on the table and me holding his pyjama bottoms so he would stand still! Don't be fooled by that look of innocence - it has teeth! (but the ears don't work!).
And this is the two of them trying to look all innocent after fighting on their bed. Anyway we are safe in Minneapolis waiting for our flight tomorrow.
"12 more days left" I keep reminding myself. "Just 12 more days!"
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